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Document Offer
Author: Leevi Kauranen
Version: 1.0
Date: 22.2.2024

Recipient of the offer: CombiTech Oy.

Referring to your request for offer request 22.1.2024, we offer you the following service product:

1. Object of the tender and procurement situation

Right now Tukko Traffic Visualizer is running and it's showing basic data about traffic all around Finland. Our goal is to improve it, by adding features like user account creation, management and authenticating. Altough, our main focus is on improving Tukko's security. These are the new features we are hoping to add:

A more detailed description can be found in requirements specification

2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions

This is a quick mockup of the user login/register forms

3. Delivery and release plan

⦁ Phasing and timetable


  • E1 Signing of the project agreement on 23.2.2024
  • E2 Final testing plan made on 4.4.2024
  • E3 Trial operation 12.4.2024
  • E4 Commissioning on 26.4.2024

  • Agile Scrumban model as a system work method

4. Prices and charges

Total price 116 264,63 € (incl. VAT 24%), according to the following schedule

  • payment point € due date *

  • E1 Signing of the Agreement 16 264,63 on October 19, 2018

  • E2 Final testing plan 30,000.00 14.11.2018
  • E3 Approval testing 30,000.00 on November 28, 2018
  • E4 Commissioning 40,000.00 on 19.12.2018
  • Payment due date 7 days from the stage

Division of labor:

  • Project management 10,7%
  • Server administration 9,24%
  • Familiarization 9,4%
  • Planning 11%
  • Implementation 36%
  • Documentation 13,41%
  • Testing 5,04%
  • Meetings 9,84%
  • Other 4,47%

5. Supplier Introduction

  • Project group CodeMonkes: Page for more information, contact Leevi Kauranen,

6. Other things to consider

  • Limitations of the “hair coat model” offered:
  • in Finnish
  • limited to JAMK's ICT student courses
  • user numbers limited to JAMK's ICT students
  • contacts are requested primarily by Slack messages, secondarily by email
  • the offer is valid until 12.10.2018

Signatures x.x.xxxx

XYZ project manage