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Test Case for FEA410

Test Case description Ensure that security measures, such as SSL/TLS certificates and secure network configurations exist
Test Case ID TESTCASE410
Author/Designer Rasmus Vasara
Date of creation 12.2.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should prove that the web app and its data is safe and protected from unauthorized access.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Web App opened
SSL/TLS certificates are obtained and configured.
Secure network configurations are in place.

Test steps

  1. Check the presence of 'HTTPS://' in the URL.
  2. Inspect the SSL/TLS certificate details
  3. Verify that the certificate is active and not expired (Check dates)
  4. Inspect the network with browser developer tools and check for security protocols

Test end-state

  • The web app URL should contain 'HTTPS://'
  • Certificates validity should be active and working
  • Network traffic should be encrypted

To be taken into account during test

  • Make sure backend is running

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Site running correct protocols and data is protected.

  • FAIL condition: Above criteria are not fulfilled