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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Rasmus Vasara
Version: Ver 0.1
Date: 16.2.2024

Master Test Plan


This document will describe the general strategy, procedure and goals of testing new and existing features for the project to detect bugs or broken components in features. Our system that will be tested is the Tukko Traffic Visualizer software. Testing is crucial for the project to ensure the quality and realiability of the product that will be delivered to clients. Varying tactics and methods will be used in testing to effectively find issues or problems that need fixing. The document will be updated according to changes in production or test planning.

Test Objectives

With testing we want to verify the functionality and reliability of newly implemented features to in the end deliver an expected working product.
If the outcome of testing does not meet required criteria or pass expected results, the issue or feature needs to be revisited and fixed before marking it ready.

Test Items

The user interface of Tukko software is included in testing things such as buttons, navigation, menus, forms and graphical elements.
Error testing can be implemented to see how the software handles errors and exceptions by logging and informing user about them.
Compability testing with different browsers and devices ensures accessibility to different users from anywhere.

Features to be Tested

Here are Test Cases for features to be tested.

Test Cases

Features not to be Tested

Some features will not be tested seperately because while developers implement some low-level changes for example, the functionality will be automatically validated with Quality Assurance during implementation.


Varying methods of testing will be used to verify integrity of features and elements of the software.
Some examples include:

Black Box testing technique: Software testing from the perspective of the average user. Navigate and use the software without knowledge of internal works of the software, and try inputs to see if outputs are as expected.

Unit testing: Isolate components into singular or smaller groups and test them individually.

Integration testing: Group a few components together and see how they work integrated with eachother.

Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Define the criteria that will be used to determine whether each software item has passed or failed its tests.

UI testing passes if inputs yield expected outcomes and in exception situations the user is provided with proper error notifications.
The unit test passes if the code under test behaves as expected and meets the defined specifications.
Integration testing passes if components grouped together work correctly and meets requirements.

If any criteria or expected outcomes are not met, the testing result would be a Fail and the feature or issue can not be marked finished until fixed.

Test Deliverables

Individual Test Cases determine the process and requirements for each features test.
Test cases can be found above
Test results will be documented after finishing with tests

Environmental Needs

Use different hardware and software to test the Tukko software with different specifications. Virtual machines to test various hardware performances, mobile devices and browsers.


Test group responsibilities:

Bug identification and reporting,
Test Case documentation,
Test execution,
Documenting of done tests,
Assessing product.

Responsibilities for rest of the team:

Bug Fixes,
Feature requirements drafting,
Feature acceptance criteria,
User story acceptance criteria,
Source code quality.


Testing will be situated towards the end of the project, with enough time to fix found issues. Testing will be implemented immediately after a new feature is ready.


Project leader oversees that the plan is up to standards and approves it, and individual tests are determined by leader and test manager to be done.