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Requirement Specification

Document: Requirement Specification draft
Specification name Req Spec for Tukko
Author: Leevi Kauranen, Janika Ruoranen
Version: 1.0
Date: 22.2.2024


Combitech Oy gave a project assignment to WIMMA Lab 2023's team IoTitude, during which IoTitude developed the Tukko Traffic Visualizer service. The service utilizes public traffic APIs, to create a map with visualized traffic data. Our project involves working with this mentioned open-source service, specifically aiming to implement new features, and fulfilling requirements for the service. While working with the project and implementing new features and changes, we need to follow safe coding practices and maintain the integrity of the service to keep it user friendly and safe to use. New features and requirements will be mentioned in this documentation.


Subscriber of this requirements specification is Reima Parviainen, as he is the product owner o Tukko 1.0, wich is used by our client Combitech. The requirement specification serves as a formal document that outlines the specific needs, features, and functionalities that we are developing for Tukko 1.1.

About the author and project team

My name is Leevi Kauranen and im acting as the team lead in our team CodeMonkes. Our team consists of 6 students with huge passion towards learning and honing our skills toward full-stack development, project management, testing, security and most importantly, working as an effective team. Our team is specified on cyber security, so most of our focus is on improving the security aspects of TUKKO. More about us: Team introduction

Short description of service/solution

Tukko is a real-time traffic visualizer service that offers users valuable insights into current road conditions. It aggregates data from multiple sources and presents it visually, allowing commuters to plan efficient routes and avoid traffic congestion. Beyond individual users, Tukko serves transport companies, city planners, and authorities by providing data-driven insights for route optimization and infrastructure planning. It empowers commuters to make informed decisions while on the road, enhances transportation efficiency for businesses, and aids city planners in improving urban mobility. By offering alerts and notifications about accidents or road closures, Tukko ensures users stay updated and can adapt their travel plans accordingly. Ultimately, Tukko plays a pivotal role in managing traffic flow, reducing congestion, and enhancing overall transportation effectiveness for stakeholders across various sectors.

Business requirements / goals?

ReqID Description
BUSINESS-REQ-0001 The service should deliver high-quality results and meet specified standards.
BUSINESS-REQ-0002 The service must adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and security standards.
BUSINESS-REQ-0003 The service should enhance the overall customer experience, fostering loyalty and positive reviews.

Stakeholder map

Stakeholders and profiles

Stakeholde/profile Info / Link to description Motivation?
CodeMonkes Link to the website Creates the given features
Combitech Client Wants more features to the Tukko Traffic Visualizer
JAMK Fostering the Future Factory (IT) course Collaboration between students and real life companies
End user 1 End User 1 Uses Tukko to plan fastest route from home to work
End user 2 End User 2 Uses Tukko to check traffic status on his route to cottage

Customer storys as background information

  • As a commuter, User 1 Maija seeks to leverage the traffic visualizer tool to efficiently plan his daily journey from home to work. He desires a seamless experience that empowers him to navigate through traffic with ease and arrive at his destination in the shortest time possible.

  • With a desire to ensure a smooth journey to his cottage, User 2 Matti relies on Tukko to assess traffic conditions along his route. He aims to stay informed about potential delays or congestion, enabling him to plan his travel effectively and minimize any disruptions to his weekend getaway.

Customer need

Consider what kind of wishes / needs the end user has regarding the service? Interview some potential users in a real life situation?

ReqID Description
CUSTOMER-REQ-0001 As a user, the service should be available consistently without errors or interruptions.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0002 As a user, the service must protect users' personal information and adhere to privacy regulations.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0003 As a user, the service must be compatible with various devices and integrate seamlessly with other tools.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0004 As a user, the service should allow users to customize settings and personalize their experience.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0005 As a user, I want to be able to sign in the service and save my favorite LAM stations.

Customer Journey paths in Service/solution

Preliminary User Storys

User Story ID Description / link to issue
US001 As a user, I want to be able to compare different LAM stations side by side. #73
US002 As a user, I want to be able to create an account and securely authenticate myself to the web app. #74
US003 As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database. #75
US004 As a customer, I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts. #76
US005 As a user, I want to save some favourite LAM stations to my account. #77
US006 As a user, I want data analytics pipelines that process and transform the raw traffic data into meaningful information. #78
US007 As an administrator, I want developers to identify and optimize performance bottlenecks in the backend code to improve response times and reduce resource usage. #79
US008 As a user, I want e-mail summaries of road work and traffic situations. #80
US010 As a user, I want to export history data from specific dates. #81
US011 As a user, I want to choose an area and count average traffic. #82
US012 As a user, I want to see road tolls in Nordic countries. #83
US013 As a developer, I want to visualize the analyzed data in a user-friendly way, such as charts and graphs, to facilitate understanding and decision-making. #84
US014 As a user, I want the backend to have secure API endpoints to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches. #85
US015 As a system administrator, I want to configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints, so that the system can prevent abuse and ensure fair usage of resources. #86
US016 As a user, I want the backend to have proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure only authorized users can access and modify data. #87
US017 As a developer, I want to regularly scan the codebase and dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and address them promptly. #88
US018 As a developer, I want to enforce secure coding practices, such as input validation and output encoding, to prevent common security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. #89
US019 As a developer, I want to have an automated security testing pipeline that detects and reports security issues during the development process. #90
US020 As a developer, I want to have different environments (staging, testing, production) with automated deployments to ensure smooth and controlled releases. #91
US021 As a developer, I want to set up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds, tests, and deploys the web app to different environments, such as staging and production. #92
US022 As a developer, I want to have automated tests that run as part of the CI/CD pipeline to ensure the quality and correctness of the deployed code. #93
US023 As a product owner, I want to collect and analyze usage data of the web app to gain insights into user behavior and make data-driven decisions. #94
US024 As a developer, I want to implement logging and error tracking mechanisms to capture and analyze any issues or errors occurring in the web app. #95
US025 As a developer, I want to integrate analytics tools, (NOT Google Analytics), to track and monitor user interactions and performance metrics. #96
US026 As a platform engineer, I want to set up log management and analysis tools, such as ELK stack, to centralize and analyze logs for troubleshooting and performance optimization. #97
US027 As a platform engineer, I want to set up a scalable and resilient infrastructure using containerization, such as Docker, to ensure easy deployment and management of the web app. #98
US028 As a platform engineer, I want to configure security measures, such as SSL/TLS certificates and secure network configurations, to protect the web app and its data from unauthorized access. #99
US029 As a platform engineer, I want to implement an automated build and deployment pipeline using tools like GitLab CI/CD to streamline the release process and ensure consistent deployments. #100
US030 As a platform engineer, I want to configure and manage a cloud-based infrastructure, such as CSC Pouta server, to ensure high availability and scalability of the web app. #101
US031 As a platform engineer, I want to set up monitoring and alerting systems, such as Prometheus and Grafana, to proactively monitor the health and performance of the web app and quickly respond to any issues. #102
US032 As a platform engineer, I want to implement automated backups and disaster recovery mechanisms to ensure data integrity and minimize the impact of any potential failures or data loss. #103
US033 As a platform engineer, I want to establish automated testing and quality assurance processes to ensure the stability and reliability of the web app across different environments. #104
US034 As a platform engineer, I want to keep good documentation of the architecture and pipelines. #105
US035 As a platform engineer, I want to regularly update and patch the underlying technology stack, including React, MongoDB, Redis, TypeScript, Express, Node.js, to ensure the web app benefits from the latest features, improvements, and security fixes. #106
US036 As an platform engineer, I want the containers doubled, if one crashes, another pops up. #107
US037 As an administrator, I want to monitor server loads with a GUI. #108
US038 As a developer, I want to have automated tests for both frontend and backend code to ensure the reliability and correctness of the web app. #109
US039 As a developer, I want to set up continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines to automate the testing and deployment processes. #110
US040 As a tester, I want to implement Robot Framework and browser libraries. #111
US041 As a user, I want the web app to be accessible and usable for people with disabilities, including support for screen readers and keyboard navigation. #112
US042 As a developer, I want to follow accessibility best practices and guidelines, such as WCAG 2.2, to ensure the web app meets accessibility standards. #113
US043 As a developer, I want to conduct accessibility testing and address any accessibility issues identified by users or automated tools. #114
US044 As a user with assistive technologies, I want the web app to have proper semantic markup and ARIA attributes, so that my assistive devices can interpret and navigate the content accurately. #115
US045 As a user, I want the dark mode colors to not pop out as much. #116
US046 As a user with color blindness, I want the web app to have sufficient color contrast between text and background elements, so that I can easily read and understand the content. #117
US047 As a user, I want to have favorite LAM stations which I can follow under my user. #118
US048 As a user, I want road condition reports. #119
US049 As a user, I want to be able to plan the best route from place A to place B. #120
US050 As a user, I want to follow statistics on my chosen stations and routes. #121
US051 As a security specialist, I want all the GitLab Security dashboard problems mitigated. #122
US052 As a user, I want to search location by name. #123
US053 As a user, I want to see traffic situation in Sweden. #124
US054 As a user, I want to see traffic situation in Norway. #125
US055 As an administrator, I want to protect my application with Web Application Firewall. #126
US056 As a security specialist, I want to harden all the containers. #127
US057 As a security specialist, I want to have controls over who can access the server. #128
US058 As a Swedish person, I want to use the user interface in my native language, Swedish. #129
US059 As a Norwegian person, I want to use the user interface in my native language, Norwegian. #130
US060 As a product owner, I want the testing to include exploratory testing. #131
US061 As a team member I want to have maintainable documentation #132

Selected Use Cases of service/solution

Use Case Domain
UC01 - Securely authenticate user accounts Security
UC02 - Save favorite LAM stations to user account Traffic Visualizer
UC04 - Secure API endpoints Security
UC05 - Configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints Backend
UC06 - Enforce secure coding practices Security
UC07 - Implement automated security testing pipeline Security
UC08 - Harden all the containers Security
UC09 - Protect application with Web Application Firewall Security
UC10 - Plan routes from place A to B Traffic Visualizer

Preliminary MockUp-prototype layouts for solution/service

This MockUp is related to the feature FEA107.

System requirements

RequirementsID Description
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0001 Frontend server has to have atleast 4VCPUs
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0002 Backend server has to have atleast 4VCPUs
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0003 Frontend server memory capacity has to be atleast 2Gb
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0004 Backend server memory capacity has to be atleast 2Gb Frontend

Constraints and standards that affect on service design

ReqId Description
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00000 End user data shall be handled in a way that complies with EU GDPR Act
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00001 The service should be accessible by Directive (EU) 2019/882
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00002 Service design should take into account the agreed-upon service levels and performance metrics that will be used to monitor the service's performance.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00003 The service must be designed with usability in mind to ensure that it is easy to use and understand.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00004 The design of the service must take into account the technical constraints and opportunities presented by available technology.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00005 The service design must consider the ability of the service to integrate with other systems and technologies as necessary

Service primay features and functionalities

uml diagram

  • Describe main features by using Product Mind Map?

  • P1 = Mandatory

  • P2 = Required
  • P3 = Nice to have
Feature Priority
FEA102 - Securely authenticate user accounts P1
FEA103 - Save favorite LAM stations to user account P1
FEA107 - Plan routes from place A to B P2
FEA401 - Secure API endpoints P3
FEA402 - Configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints P3
FEA404 - Enforce secure coding practices P1
FEA405 - Implement automated security testing pipeline P2
FEA406 - Harden all the containers P3
FEA409 - Protect application with Web Application Firewall P2

Functional requirements of the service

ReqID Description Affected feature?
FUNC-REQ-C0001 Securely authenticate user accounts FEA102
FUNC-REQ-C0002 Save favorite LAM stations to user account FEA103
FUNC-REQ-C0003 Plan routes from place A to B FEA107
FUNC-REQ-C0004 Secure API endpoints FEA401
FUNC-REQ-C0005 Configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints FEA402
FUNC-REQ-C0006 Enforce secure coding practices FEA404
FUNC-REQ-C0007 Implement automated security testing pipeline FEA405
FUNC-REQ-C0008 Harden all the containers FEA406
FUNC-REQ-C0009 Protect application with Web Application Firewall FEA409

Software / service non-functional requirements

Performance Requirements

ReqID Requirement Description
PERF-REQ-0000 Login is possible for 100 users at the same time (100 request/s).
PERF-REQ-0001 The traffic data on the map should update quickly, with minimal delay.
PERF-REQ-0002 The application should load the initial map view promptly upon user interaction.
PERF-REQ-0003 The application should handle a large number of cities and traffic data points without performance issues.
PERF-REQ-0004 Zooming and panning across the map should be smooth and responsive.
PERF-REQ-0005 The application should perform well on various devices and screen sizes.

Security Requirements

ReqID Requirement Description
SEC-REQ-0001 The password must use at least MD5-level encryption, as required by the XY112 standard
SEC-REQ-0002 Regularly update and patch the application's software components and libraries to address known security vulnerabilities.

Accessability Requirements

ReqID Requirement Description
ACC-REQ-0001 Font should be size at 16pt.
ACC-REQ-0002 User interface should be visible in high contrast mode.
ACC-REQ-0003 User should be able to use dark mode in the application.
ACC-REQ-0004 User should be able to text search for a specific city
ACC-REQ-0005 Traffic Visualizer application should be as user-friendly as possible
ACC-REQ-0006 Display real-time traffic data from reliable and up-to-date sources.
ACC-REQ-0007 Provide historical traffic data that allows user to predict where traffic jams might happen.
ACC-REQ-0008 The application should have clear and intuitive navigation menus.

Quality Assurance

Preliminary Acceptance Tests

AcceptanceTestId Description Feature
ACCTEST001 - Acceptance Test 1 Verify secure authentication, registeration and used data management. FEA102
ACCTEST002 - Acceptance Test 2 Succesful saving of LAM stations and retrievement of saved data FEA103
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Succesfully creating a route between chosen points FEA107
ACCTEST001 - Acceptance Test 1 Ensuring API endpoint security FEA401
ACCTEST002 - Acceptance Test 2 Automate security testing with pipeline FEA405
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Ensure that during this project secure coding practices are implemented FEA404
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Secure docker containers by hardening FEA406
ACCTEST002 - Acceptance Test 2 Improve security with web application firewall FEA409
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Limiting api call rate on certain api endpoints FEA402

Software architecture, placement view, database description, and integrations

Standards and sources

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): This regulation protects privacy and gives individuals control over their personal data.
  2. ePrivacy Directive: This directive complements the GDPR and provides rules on confidentiality of communications and tracking technologies such as cookies.
  3. Directive on the legal protection of computer programs ('Software Directive'): This directive protects computer programs by means of copyright.
  4. Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property right ('IPRED'): This directive enforces intellectual property rights.
  5. Directive on the legal protection of databases ('Database Directive'): This directive protects databases.
  6. EU Cybersecurity Act: This act ensures safer hardware and software.
  7. Digital contract rules: These rules make it easier for consumers and businesses to buy and sell digital content, digital services, goods, and 'smart goods' in the EU.

Please note that these are just a few examples and the specific laws and rules may vary depending on the context and the specific needs of your software service. It's always a good idea to consult with a legal expert to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.