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Enforce secure coding practices

  • Author: Leevi Kauranen
  • Date / Version: 19/02/2024

User roles

  1. Dev
  2. Test
  3. Sec

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Secure coding guidelines must be established and documented.
  2. Developers must undergo training on secure coding practices.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Adhere to coding guidelines
  2. Test for security vulnerabilities
  3. Review code for security
  4. Provide feedback


  • E1: If a security vulnerability is identified during testing, it must be addressed promptly and the code retested.

  • E2: If the code review reveals significant security issues, development may be halted until the issues are resolved.


  • As a result of this use case the code will be more secured and we can keep a vulnerability low as possible.

Use frequency

  • This feature will be implemented at all times as the application is modified.

Additional information

  • Describe other relevant information related to the use case, such as open issues, references to the codes used, etc.

  • This feature includes some other features, such as HTTPS connection, securing api endpoints and coprrect user authentication.

  • implemented also security headers for api calls, and correct error handling


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.