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Feature FEA402 - Configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints

Document Type Feature Description
Feature FEA402
Author Janika Ruoranen
Version 0.1
Date 12.2.2023


Rate limiting for certain api endpoints to protect the applicatiion against ddos and brute-force login attempts using express-ratelimiting and tokenbucket method.

  • Gather all relevant sources related to the implementation of the feature *
Linked Use Cases Use Case template
Linked Requirements ReqID list
Constraints Constraint
Documentation links -

US015 As a system administrator, I want to configure rate limiting on certain API endpoints, so that the system can prevent abuse and ensure fair usage of resources.

User Interface MockUp

Testing / possible approval criteria

  • Record a few notes for testing *
Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Hyväksyntätesti
Functional System Test Case Testitapaus
Security Test Case Testitapaus