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Feature FEA401 - Secure API endpoints

Document Type Feature Description
Feature FEA401
Author Leevi Kauranen
Version 0.1
Date 08.04.2024


The FEA401 feature aims to enhance the security of API endpoints within the system. By implementing various security measures, the feature ensures that the API endpoints are protected against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential security vulnerabilities.

  • Gather all relevant sources related to the implementation of the feature *
Linked Use Cases Use Case template
Linked Requirements ReqID list
Constraints Constraint
Documentation links -
  • User Story: "As a user, I want the backend to have secure API endpoints to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches." #85

  • User Story : "As a user, I want the backend to have proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure only authorized users can access and modify data." #87

Testing / possible approval criteria

  • Record a few notes for testing *
Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Hyväksyntätesti
Functional System Test Case Testitapaus
Security Test Case Testitapaus