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Feature FEA107 - Plan routes from place A to B

Document Type Feature Description
Feature FEA107
Author Juuso Sinikunnas
Version 0.1
Date 12.02.2024


This feature is to plan routes between the LAM stations. User can select a starting point and destination within the application. It also suggests stations for example faster routes or user preference.

  • Gather all relevant sources related to the implementation of the feature *
Linked Use Cases Use Case template
Linked Requirements ReqID list
Constraints Constraint
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US049 As a user, I want to be able to plan the best route from place A to place B

User Interface MockUp

Testing / possible approval criteria

  • Record a few notes for testing *
Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Hyväksyntätesti
Functional System Test Case Testitapaus
Security Test Case Testitapaus