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Risk Management Plan

List the risks, assess their severity and probability, and try to consider measures on how the most serious / probable risks could be prevented in advance. In addition, it would be good to have a plan of how to act if the risk materializes. Attach the following section here:

Record the risks to the project in the table below and maintain them as needed. Each risk is given a unique identifier, eg RIS007, as this facilitates their handling in different situations.

# Risk Description Severity Probability Responsible Action
#01 Team member is sick 3 3 Team member Contact team lead and client if necessary.
#02 Poor communication within the team 2 3 Team Lead Implement regular team communication protocols, foster an open communication culture.
#03 Feature Creep 3 2 Product Owner Carefully prioritize features to avoid scope expansion and potential delays.
#04 Inadequate Documentation for New Features 3 2 Documentation Team Ensure comprehensive documentation for all added features to aid future development and support.
#05 Lack of sufficient testing or quality assurance 3 2 Quality Assurance Team Enhance testing processes, conduct thorough QA, and implement automated testing where possible.
#06 Technology Compatibility Issues 2 2 Development Team Conduct thorough testing with various devices and platforms.
#07 Integration Challenges with External Services 3 2 Development Team Collaborate with external service providers and conduct extensive testing.
#08 Key Developer Leaves the Team 4 1 Team Lead Knowledge transfer sessions and redistribute responsibilities among the team.
#09 User Resistance to New Features 2 3 Product Owner Implement a user engagement plan, provide additional training if necessary.
#10 Data Breach Due to Security Vulnerability 1 1 Security Team Implement immediate security patches, investigate and mitigate the breach, and inform relevant stakeholders.
#11 Bad resource Management 4 1 Team Management Negotiate for more resources with the providers
#12 Time management risks 5 1 Team Management Come up with new plan to get the product out as fast as possible
#13 Project is too complex 5 1 Product Owner Discuss alternative solutions for the required features
#14 dependancy on key developer 3 1 Team Management Spread Knowledge among team members and make sure everyone is on the same page

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 significant impact on project progres
S3 Moderate impact, manageable
S4 Minor impact, minimal disruption
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed