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Project Contract (Template)

Document Project Contract
Author: -
Version: -
Date: -

Software Project Contract


This contract ("Contract") is made between [Client], hereinafter referred to as the "Client," and [Service Provider], hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider."

Project Description

The Service Provider agrees to perform the following services at the request of the Client:

  • [Project description and objectives]
  • [Project scope]
  • [Schedule and project phases]
  • [Quality requirements]

Responsibilities and Obligations


The Client is responsible for:

  • Providing the necessary resources and information to the Service Provider for the successful completion of the project.
  • Approving or rejecting project phases and deliverables in a timely manner.
  • Paying the Service Provider according to the agreed-upon terms.

Service Provider

The Service Provider is responsible for:

  • Executing the project with professionalism and within the agreed-upon schedule.
  • Providing regular updates on the progress of the project to the Client.
  • Adhering to the agreed-upon quality requirements.

Payment Terms

The Client will pay the Service Provider for the performance of the project as follows:

  • [Payment terms, billing schedule]

Changes and Additional Work

Changes to the project scope or requirements may be possible. These changes must be documented in writing, and their impacts on the schedule and budget must be clarified.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Client owns the project's final result and associated intellectual property rights unless otherwise agreed.


Both parties agree to keep all project-related information confidential.

Termination Terms

This Contract can be terminated with [Termination terms, e.g., 30 days' written notice].

Effectiveness and Termination

This Contract shall become effective as of the date of signature and shall terminate upon the completion of the project.

General Terms

  • Applicable Law: [Legislation]
  • Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved through mediation or legal proceedings.


This Contract is represented by the undersigned parties on [Date].


[Service Provider]