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Definition of Done

DOD = Definition of Done

In agile development, DOD, or Definition of Done, is a set of agreed-upon criteria that a development team must fulfill before considering a product or feature finished. The primary aim of DOD is to ensure clear understanding and alignment between the development team and stakeholders regarding the specific conditions that mark completion. By defining these criteria, DOD helps prevent confusion and ensures a shared understanding of what it means for a task or project to be considered truly finished.

  1. Pair Review. Code undergoes a pair review, where team members collaboratively review and assess each other's work. Feedback from the pair review is addressed before considering the task or project complete.

  2. Testing. Functional tests are conducted and pass successfully, ensuring the increment functions as intended. Any identified bugs or issues are resolved. Integration tests are conducted and pass successfully.

  3. Code Quality.Code complies with coding standards and guidelines. Code is free from critical issues and vulnerabilities.

  4. Together reviewed. Work is reviewed by team members or peers. Any necessary adjustments are made based on work reviews.

  5. Documentation. Documentation is created or updated, providing clear and comprehensive information for developers, testers, and other stakeholders. README files, API documentation, and other relevant documentation are maintained.

  6. Deployment to Staging Environment: Before considering a task or feature done, ensure that it has been successfully deployed to a staging environment. This helps catch any issues that might arise in a production-like setting.

By adhering to the Definition of Done, the team ensures that each task is completed to a satisfactory level, promoting transparency, collaboration, and the delivery of high-quality work.