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Communication Plan

Document: Communication Plan
Author: Leevi Kauranen, Janika Ruoranen
Version: 1.0
Date: 5.2.2024


The purpose of this communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels used for the TUKKO 1.1. Clear and consistent communication ensures good information flow as well as helps to achieve project's quality objectives.

This plan will serve as a guiding document to promote transparency, coordination of information among project stakeholders.


Project Stakeholders can be divided into four groups from the point of view of communication:

  1. Project group team members:
  • Leevi Kauranen (Lead)

  • Emil Rekunen (Ops)

  • Janika Ruoranen (Gen)

  • Rasmus Vasara (Test)

  • Juuso Sinikunnas (Dev)

  • Aapo Hölttä (Sec)

  1. Project manager(s) and Coaches:
  • Leevi Kauranen (CodeMonkes)

  • Marko Rintamäki (Scrum Master)

  • Minttu Mäkäläinen (Mentor)

  • Matti Keskiniemi (Dev Mentor)

  • Iiro Uusitalo (Sec Mentor)

  • Taina Lepistö (Dev Mentor)

  • Sami Kairajärvi (Sec Mentor)

  • Aarne Salmi (Mentor)

  • Pasi Hyytiäinen (JAMK)

  • Matti Saarelma (Peer Coach)

  • Justus Hänninen (Peer Coach)

  • Karri Päivärinta (Peer Coach)

  • Alena Galysheva (Peer Coach)

  • Marika Matalamäki (Peer Coach)

  • Hanna Salminen (Peer Coach)

  • Iftakhar Husan (Peer Coach)

  1. Stakeholder representatives:
  • Reima Parviainen (Product Owner)
  1. Other external stakeholders:
  • Combitech (Customer)

  • JAMK (Future Factory (IT) - course organizer)

General Communications Channels

Tukko 1.1 is using various forms of written and verbal communication:

  • Teams: Official channel for daily scrum meetings within team, etc.

  • Discord: Main communication channel for team members and Future Factory (IT) affiliates.

  • Mural: Planning, brain storming, etc. within team.

Written Communication Models

  • Discord channels are used for discussions and information sharing between team members, coaches and other teams.

Internal Communications

Internal communications refer to communication within and inside the project group. Its goal is to convey project-related information to all members of the group, thereby supporting group collaboration and contributes to the formation of group identity. Internal project communication uses both formal and informal channels.

The project team meets weekly for Daily Scrum at 9:00 on mondays and fridays to plan tasks of the coming week and to go through the events of the previous week.

The project manager prepares the weekly agenda and writes on the basis of the meeting a weekly plan that is set in the mural board.

In addition, the following aids are used to support both internal and external communications:

  • Teams: Mainly used for Daily Scrum.

  • Discord: Due to remote working model, team members can easily contact each other and discuss openly about current progress.

Communications with Coaches

Good and open communication between the team and the coaches is the key to allow coaches to have clear and complete view of the project, and thereby provide the team with sufficient resources to support the project and its progress.

  • The most important communication channel will be Discord which is used for primary communication. Discord server has specialized channels for different topics.

  • Zoom is used for weekly coach meetings with Marko Rintamäki.

All significant events related to the project will be reported to coaches on at least one of the above mentioned channels.

Communications with Stakeholder Representatives

  • Reima Parviainen acts as a link to the customer Combitech and will arrange the meetings between CodeMonkes and the customer if needed.

  • Communication primarily through Discord.

Communications with External Stakeholders

  • To Be Defined...

Monitoring and Evaluation of Communications

  • Effectiveness of the communication methods is reviewed regularly by the team members.

  • Feedback from the team and other stakeholders is used for iterative adjustment to the communication plan.