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Current Status

Team should update this status report every sprint.

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 06 Date 11.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • updating personal learning diary
  • Secure api endpoits
  • security dashboard
  • US028 ready
  • US015 ready
  • US004 ready
  • US002 ready

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • nothing major

Next steps

  • Getting ready for demo day

Status of sprint 05 Date 5.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • updating personal learning diary
  • https
  • security dashboard
  • US028 ready for testing
  • US015 ready for testing
  • US004 ready for testing
  • US002 95% ready

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • nothing major

Next steps

  • Getting ready for demo day

Status of sprint 03 Date 8.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Implemention has started.
  • Working on userstorys US002, US028, US004 and US015.
  • We have falimiarized ourselves with React, TypeScript etc.
  • Login and Register forms partly implemented.
  • Working on endpoints.

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Problems with endpoints.
  • A lot of time goes to familiarization, which is understandable.

Next steps

  • Continue to work on current features and plan for next ones as we proceed to sprint 4.

Status of sprint 02 Date 19.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • We are nearly done with needed documentations
  • We are working on our development environment
  • Updated on user stories
  • Our team schowcased our offer to CombiTech Oy
  • built a solid foundation for our working

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Small problems with pricing

Next steps

  • Startign to work toward developing features of sprint 03
  • Zoom meetings during vacation week
  • team members will do some research on their assigned features

Status of sprint 01 Date 9.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • We have started to write needed documentations
  • Communication plan and DoD are ready
  • Tukko is up and running on our VM
  • Features have been decided
  • Mural boards have been utilized

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • No bigger problems yet.

Next steps

  • finish writing needed documentations
  • getting ready to give the offer to the customer

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.1.2024

What has been achieved

  • Decided our team roles.
  • Familiarized ourselves with our customer and the product we will work on.
  • Updated our project working environment (OPF).
  • Designed our team logo
  • Started to create a new team page
  • familiarized with CSC and started to build our CSC platform

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • No bigger problems yet.
  • A bit of confusion about the project.

Next steps

  • Getting ready for the assignment.